Why Choose Us?

Every Travel Buddy Games title fits 3 basic criteria: small enough to travel with easily, simple enough to play with new friends you meet while traveling, and thematically tied to an interesting or exotic travel destination.

We want Travel Buddy Games to show you parts of the world you haven’t seen, and make you want to see them in person.

And when you go, we hope you bring your Travel Buddy games with you. Bring them to your hostel. Play with the new friends you make on your travels and share the joys of socializing with fellow travelers over a game.

About Us

Joshua Lobkowicz

Founder & CEO

Hello new friend. Thanks for coming to check out Travel Buddy Games! I’m Joshua Lobkowicz and Travel Buddy Games is the merging of two of my greatest passions: Travel and Gaming.

From my earliest years I loved traveling. Road trips and vacations with my family always got me excited to see new places, try new foods, and have new experiences. I love travelling still and that youthful excitement over discovering a new place has never left me.

I have also always had a love of gaming. As a child it was Monopoly, Chess, Heroquest, Omega Virus, and Clue. As a teen it was Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons. These days it’s designer games like Catan, Innovation, or myriad other titles you can find at boardgamegeek.com.

Travel Buddy Games is my way of bringing the world of travel to gamers and introduce the world of games to travelers.


Travel Buddy Games home offices are Located in Fenton, MO.

This is not a retail location. Products are only available for purchase online.

Travel Buddy Games Offices

1760 Chase Dr, Fenton, MO 63026, United States